Industry data terminal: coal

An analytical platform with a detailed asset-level database with a forecasting and financial model

analytical platform
About the product
Today the business and state have found themselves without high-quality industry information. Access to international databases for Russian companies is limited and this directly affects business efficiency. Without reliable, transparent and accurate data, it is impossible to plan objectively the operation of the company and the development of the industry, expand sales markets and manage the business
Detailed information from the micro to the macro level (from the mine and the mineshaft to the industry as a whole)
It is completely independent from foreign information providers
Surpasses the well-known analytical terminals:
  • Contains more deposits
  • There is detailed information about logistics in Russia
  • It has forecasting and financial assessment model
Industry data terminal: coal — Russia’s first analytical platform that contains a detailed database of industry data, with a forecasting and financial model
Our team has created a product that allows businesses and the state to make informed management decisions
Business development
Our team is constantly developing the Industry data terminal. In the near future, analytics on the oil and gas industry, metallurgy, chemical and mineral fertilizers, grain, and wood will be available on the platform
Platform turns the raw data into useful analytics
Covers 800+ coal deposits and >80% of global extraction
It is able to make forecasts and carry out financial assessment, build "what if" scenarios with variable parameters
Industry data terminal: coal registered with Rospatent
Certificate of registration № 2023624342
Industry data terminal can:
Analyze markets and competitors in detail including production volumes, reserves, market prices, cost of all existing enterprises in the industry, cost structure, conduct benchmark analysis, evaluate the effectiveness of various supply ways
Predict the development of the industry and individual indicators of enterprises and assets
Create "what if" scenarios in the current and forecast period: you enter your own assumptions on a number of parameters (for example, prices, railway fares, exchange rate, discount rate, tax models), the terminal creates an individual profile for you for each company or asset you are interested in
Download a presentation about the Industry data terminal
Our terminal contains detailed information on companies of different sizes in Russia and around the world
Company Information
company name; operator / management company; head company; owners / shareholders; a country; region; type of mining — mine / mineshaft; type of coal-energy / metallurgical; type of coal according to the IEA methodology; minimum calorific value (for thermal coal); maximum calorific value (for thermal coal); mining methods; production capacity in million tons; recycling plant (if available); methods of enrichment; enrichment capacity; year of production start; production end year; expected life span; number of employees; state / stage; year of observation
Information about production at the mine / open pit level
company name; type of coal according to the IEA methodology; year; raw coal production; pure coal production
Financial model by enterprise
lifetime production and supply metrics; delivery economy indicators by destination and terminal with the specified input macro parameters; total financial indicators and the company’s value estimation for the specified input macro parameters
for RF
lifetime production and supply metrics; supply economy indicators for the specified input macroparameters; total financial indicators and the company’s value estimation for the specified input macro parameters
for other countries
Information on coal reserves
company name; reserve valuation standards; classification of reserves; type of coal-energy / metallurgical; type of coal according to the IEA methodology; type of coal-hard / brown; year; indicator value
Macro parameters and other input parameters
currency exchange rates; inflation indicators; coal price markers-FOB and target markets, domestic; railway freight rates (wagons); railway fare rates; transshipment rates in ports; sea freight rates (by route)
Company-level financial information
company; indicator; business segment (excluding companies from the Russian Federation); country of activity; product segment, type of coal (except for companies from the Russian Federation); market segment (domestic deliveries, export-for revenue and expenses); report form; reporting standards; year; end of fiscal year; currency; indicator value
Railway export deliveries
operator / management company; departure region; departure station; terminal; destination region; destination Station; railway departure distance to the terminal; seaborne / landborne; destination country; year; indicator value
add. information for the RF
Domestic railway deliveries
operator / management company; departure region; destination region; departure station; destination station; departure distance by railway; year; indicator value
add. information for the RF
Information about deliveries at the operator level
domestic deliveries to consumers; export; total customer deliveries; domestic deliveries to consumers by rail; export by railway; total deliveries to consumers by rail; internal shipments; supplies to other coal companies and traders (other than OP); shipments to warehouses, ports and hubs; deliveries to third-party offices on the railway; deliveries to third-party offices; total deliveries by railway; domestic deliveries to consumers not by rail; non-railway export; total internal shipment; total shipment
for RF
domestic deliveries to consumers; export; total customer deliveries
for other countries
The Industry data terminal will be useful for
Coal enterprises
Industry companies
Industry companies
Making informed strategic, investment and economic decisions taking into account:
  • analysis of supply trends by macro-regions and countries
  • detailed economic assessment by enterprises, mines/mineshaft, depending on various macro parameters
  • in-depth analysis of the competitors' portfolio
metallurgical and transport companies
Related industries
Related industries
Get an idea of the drivers of industry development, understand the impact on your company, planning the work based on:
  • information on production, investments and prospects of coal companies
  • plans for exploration, extraction and production around the world
  • supply dynamics
For banks and investors
To the authorities
For banks and investors
To the authorities
Forecast the economic development of a region or country, plan tax revenues, regulate the industry based on:
  • data on the economy at the enterprise and deposits
Determine the feasibility of investments, analyze risks and sensitivity using:
  • level, the dynamics of expenditures on exploration and production
  • analysis of market dynamics
  • production and economic data from industry companies around the world
  • detailed comparative analysis of companies by key performance indicators
  • analysis of market dynamics and supply trends by region and in the world
Several large companies are already working with our terminal
The largest metallurgical company
uses Industry data terminal: coal to justify its position on interaction with the state and other stakeholders regarding possible changes in railway tariffs
 metallurgical company
The railway company
uses Industry data terminal: coal to predict the development of the coal industry in the context of production facilities, to assess the effectiveness of supply ways
railway company
Use cases
You can use the terminal yourself or contact us for help
Uploading a report
  • We will upload a report with the data attributes you need
  • We will provide data in the form of tables, convenient and understandable reports
Individual research
  • We will conduct an individual study for the tasks of the business
  • Our team consists of experts from leading consulting companies (Big 3, Big 4) and companies in the industry
Subscription to the Industry data terminal: coal
  • We will provide access to the terminal for independent work
  • An intuitive and user-friendly web interface
  • Annual data update
leave a request
We will contact you and tell in detail which tasks the Industry data terminal can help you to solve and show how to work with it
Or write to us:
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